The Governing Body is made up of independent people who represent parents, teachers, the church and the community. All Governors are appointed for a fixed term of four years and work on a voluntary basis.
The Governing Body carries out its work throughout the school year, meeting to assess progress and ensure the school is on track to meet its targets. Governors visit the school on a regular basis to look at specific areas of the school’s work and monitor progress in delivering the School Development Plan.
Our Local Governing Body (LGB)
Chair of Governors
Bernard Harris
Vice-Chair of Governors
Sarah Duffy
Foundation Governors
Rev Liz Simpson
Ray Robinson
Sarah Duffy
Co-opted Governor
Jeremy Turner
Community Governor
Bernard Harris
Parent Governors
Danny Roberts
Lily Gulliver
Staff Governor
Jess Arthur
Lauren Murrey
Clerk to Governing Body
Keith Bossom